Use of Cough Syrups in Children Utilização de Xaropes para a Tosse em Idade Pediátrica

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Pedro Flores - Corresponding Author

Rua Mário Botas, 1998-018 Lisboa, Portugal


Cough is a very frequent symptom is children, and a usual cause for medical appointment. According to its duration, cough can be classified as acute, subacute or chronic. Patients must be evaluated systematic and rationally. Empirical therapy can be considered in suspected infections, asthma, gastro-oesophageal reflux and posterior rhinorrhoea. Symptomatic therapy in children includes central or peripheral antitussives, demulcents and mucolytics. Scientific evidence for their use is very scarce, but they can be considered to ameliorate comfort in children older than two years-old, for short periods, and integrated in an investigation and medical revaluation plan.

Keywords: Antitussive Agents; Child

Article Details

Flores P. Use of Cough Syrups in Children: Utilização de Xaropes para a Tosse em Idade Pediátrica. Gaz Med [Internet]. 2018 May 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];5(1):37-44. Available from:

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