Cultural Adaptation of the MTA-SNAP-IV for European Portuguese Adaptação Cultural do Questionário MTA-SNAP-IV para o Português Europeu

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Merlin McMillan
Rita Antunes
Paula Medeiros
Filipe Glória Silva - Corresponding Author

Rua Mário Botas, 1998-018 Lisboa, Portugal


INTRODUCTION: Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder affects 5% of school age children and is frequently associated with oppositional defiant disorder. The questionnaire Swanson, Nolan and Pelham, version IV, from the “Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” (MTA-SNAP-IV) was developed in the USA to monitor the evolution of symptoms of these disorders. The objective of this work was to realize a cultural adaptation of the MTA-SNAP-IV for European Portuguese (MTA-SNAP-IV-pt-PT).
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A methodology of translation and reverse translation was used with evaluation of semantic equi-valence, comparison with DSM-5 criteria, and synthesis of the final version by the translation team and pre-test in the target population.
RESULTS: The discrepancies detected in the process of translation and reverse translation were resolved by searching for se-mantic equivalence with the original and ease of understanding for people with low literacy. In the final Portuguese version 14 items were considered similar to the English, 12 were considered approximate, and 2 were different. In the pre-test realized with a group of parents and teachers (n = 20) the questionnaire was considered clear and easy to fill in.
DISCUSSION: The European Portuguese version is different from the Brazilian Portuguese translation, which was not adequa-te for Portugal. The MTA-SNAP-IV-pt-PT showed good correspondence with the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria showing validity of content.

Keywords: Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/classification; Portugal; Psychometrics; Surveys and Question-naires

Article Details

McMillan M, Antunes R, Medeiros P, Silva FG. Cultural Adaptation of the MTA-SNAP-IV for European Portuguese: Adaptação Cultural do Questionário MTA-SNAP-IV para o Português Europeu. Gaz Med [Internet]. 2018 Sep. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];5(3). Available from: