A Clinical Case of Cutaneous, Pulmonar, Splenic and Neurologic Sarcoidosis Um Caso Clínico de Sarcoidose Cutânea, Pulmonar, Esplénica e Neurosarcoidose

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Bela Machado - Corresponding Author

Rua da Falésia nº 19, 9125-032 Caniço, Madeira, Portugal

Ana Rita Matos
Teresa Mendonça
Fátima Farinha


Sarcoidosis is a granulomatous disorder that can affect any organ of unknown etiology. Presented is the study case of a male patient, 49-years of age with history of erythema nodosum. Upon performance of a thorax imagiological study it was visible multiple bilateral hilar and mediastinal adenopathy although there were no respiratory complaints. A bronchoalveolar lavage revealed a ratio of cells CD4/CD8 of 9.98 and the analytical study revealed a high angiotensin converting enzyme, without other findings. The patient started corticotherapy which improved his cutaneous manifestations. After two years, the patient presents to Internal medicine consultation complaining of weight loss, anorexia, fatigue, hypoacusic, episodic verdigo and spine hypoesthesia. This case shows the multisystemic involvement of sarcoidosis having as a starting point for its diagnosis a cutaneous manifestation and highlights the importance of monitoring and treating these patients for a timely and effective control of the disease.

Keywords: Central Nervous System Diseases; Sarcoidosis; Sarcoidosis, Pulmonary

Article Details

Machado B, Matos AR, Mendonça T, Farinha F. A Clinical Case of Cutaneous, Pulmonar, Splenic and Neurologic Sarcoidosis: Um Caso Clínico de Sarcoidose Cutânea, Pulmonar, Esplénica e Neurosarcoidose. Gaz Med [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];7(1). Available from: http://gazetamedica.gazetamedica.pt/index.php/gazeta/article/view/304

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