Intestinal Duplication: A Rare Cause of Occlusion in Adults

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Nádia Rodrigues Silva - Corresponding Author

Nádia Silva []
Rua da Beneficência, nº 8, 1050-099, Lisboa, Portugal
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6374-626X

Diogo Carrola Gomes
Ricardo Matos
Isabel Paixão


Duplication of the digestive tract is a rare condition, usually diagnosed at a young age. Late diagnosis can be associated with complications such as bowel obstruction, hemorrhage, or perforation.
We present the case of a 60-year-old patient admitted to the emergency department due to abdominal pain and constipation.
In the computed tomography scan, she presented a large fecaloma of the sigmoid colon causing large bowel obstruction.
Intraoperatively there was an incomplete duplication of the left colon, which ended in a cul-de-sac at the mid-rectum. This duplication led to the formation of a large fecaloma in the duplicated colon that compressed and obstructed the functioning lumen.
Hartmann’s operation with a double barrel colostomy was performed. The postoperative period was uneventful; bowel continuity was restored 6 months later.

Keywords: Digestive System Abnormalities; Intestinal Obstruction

Article Details

Silva NR, Gomes DC, Matos R, Paixão I. Intestinal Duplication: A Rare Cause of Occlusion in Adults. Gaz Med [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];7(4). Available from:

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