Nursing Care in Times of Pandemic: A Hospital Reality Nursing Care in Times of Pandemic: A Hospital Reality

Main Article Content

Sara Torcato Parreira - Corresponding Author

Sara Torcato Parreira []
Rua Melvin Jones, nº8, 1ºB, 1600-867 Lisboa, Portugal

Glória Ribeiro
José Coelho
Luzia Borges


COVID-19 pandemic became a challenge for the health system in Portugal and for health professionals. Nurses had an enhanced role, due to direct patient care and units management.
This article describes how CUF Infante Santo Hospital managed care during the pandemic and nurses’ role, mainly in the wards, ambulatory setting, home care and oncology department. Nursing interventions and care were essential for the good performance of the hospital in times of pandemic. Communication and connection with other units and teams were improved, as well as infection control. This reinforce the need to maintain and invest in some of these interventions in the future.

Keywords: Coronavirus Infections; COVID-19; Nursing Care

Article Details

Parreira ST, Ribeiro G, Coelho J, Borges L. Nursing Care in Times of Pandemic: A Hospital Reality: Nursing Care in Times of Pandemic: A Hospital Reality. Gaz Med [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];7(2). Available from:

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