Value of the Human Embrio Status: An Humanistic View Estatuto do Embrião Humano: Uma Visão Humanista

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Sandra Paço - Corresponding Author
Sérgio Deodato


When we think about the status of the embryo different views arise and can lead to making diametrically opposed positions on issues such as abortion, medically assisted procreation, prenatal genetic diagnosis, use of stem cells and cloning etc. Occurring the development of the human being in a gradual process, these issues pose ethical dilemmas, which in essence, have the same origin - The status that is attributed to the embryo.
We will cover, this issue through different sources, with different perspectives, with the focus of analysis the status assigned to the human embryo. This study analyzes some authors of bioethics, especially the humanist and personalist inspiration complementing this approach with the analysis of a number of opinions of the National Ethics Council for Life, according to the values of José de Mello Saúde.
In the legal dimension, we analyze the main normative (national and international) related to intrauterine life, using authors from this area. We intend in this way contribute to the deepening of ethical reflection in the field of early life, including ethical and legal issues related to the status of the human embryo.

Keywords: Beginning of Human Life; Embryo Research; Government Regulation; Moral Obligations; Personhood; Value of Life

Article Details

Paço S, Deodato S. Value of the Human Embrio Status: An Humanistic View: Estatuto do Embrião Humano: Uma Visão Humanista. Gaz Med [Internet]. 2017 Sep. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];3(4). Available from: