Rare Complication After Subtotal Reconstructive Laryngectomy with Cricohyoidoepiglotopexy Complicação Rara Pós-Laringectomia Subtotal Reconstrutiva com Cricohioidoepiglotopexia

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Inês Palma Delgado - Corresponding Author
Margarida Boavida
Pedro Montalvão
Miguel Magalhães


Supracricoide subtotal reconstructive laryngectomies with cricohyoidoepiglotopexy and cricohyoidopexy were introduced to radically treat laryngeal tumors in selected patients while respecting laryngeal functions (swallowing, phonation and respiration). Dyspnea is a short-term complication of these surgical approaches that is avoided by temporary tracheostomy. Laryngeal stenosis after subtotal reconstructive laryngectomies are rare and delay decannulation. We present a case report of a patient who underwent a supracricoid reconstructive laryngectomy with cricohyoidoepiglotopexy who developed a rare postoperative complication characterized by tilted downwards epiglottis with posterior swing causing a laryngeal stenosis and delaying decannulation. This complication was successful with CO2 laser surgery.

Received: 11/09/2016 - Accepted: 17/10/2016

Keywords: Cricoid Cartilage/surgery; Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery; Laryngectomy/methods; Laryngostenosis; Postoperative Complications

Article Details

Delgado IP, Boavida M, Montalvão P, Magalhães M. Rare Complication After Subtotal Reconstructive Laryngectomy with Cricohyoidoepiglotopexy: Complicação Rara Pós-Laringectomia Subtotal Reconstrutiva com Cricohioidoepiglotopexia. Gaz Med [Internet]. 2017 Sep. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];3(4). Available from: http://gazetamedica.gazetamedica.pt/index.php/gazeta/article/view/49

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