HEADS-ED: Translation and Adaptation of a Mental Health Pathology Screening Scale in Portuguese Adolescents

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Sara Completo - Corresponding Author

Sara Completo [completo.sara@gmail.com]
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5640-3402

Ana Teresa Guerra
Rita Coelho
Helena Isabel Almeida
Helena Cristina Loureiro


INTRODUCTION: HEADS-ED (Home; Education; Activities and Peers; Drugs and Alcohol; Suicidality; Emotions, Behaviors and Thought Disturbance; Discharge Resource) scale was created in Canada, to detect mental pathology in the pediatric emergency department. In Portugal, a validated scale with this intention still does not exist. The objective was to create a Portuguese instrument to triage psychological, behavioral and social problems in adolescents hospitalized.
METHODS: Prospective, transversal, non-randomized study developed in the pediatric ward of a level II hospital. It comprised 4 phases: 1) Translation and adaptation of HEADS-ED scale to Portuguese; 2) Pilot study to validate the scale to Portuguese population; 3) Systematic interview to adolescents and their specialized referral according to their needs; 4) Statistical analysis.
RESULTS: Ninety-six interviews were realized, 55% feminine sex, average age of 15 years old, 45% with a chronical illness. Thirteen patients had punctuation ?5. Referral was established in 19.8% of the adolescents: 6.3% to psychology/ psychiatry appointment, 8.3% to NHACJR, in 5.2% previous follow-up was improved. There was statistically significant relation between higher age and higher total points (p-value=0.004) and between feminine gender and higher total points (p-value=0.005).
CONCLUSION: HEADS-ED scale adapted to Portuguese intends to screen mental pathology in adolescent, having potential to improve their follow-up and future life quality.

Keywords: Adolescent; Adolescent Health; Mass Screening; Mental Disorders/diagnosis; Mental Health

Article Details

Completo S, Guerra AT, Coelho R, Almeida HI, Loureiro HC. HEADS-ED: Translation and Adaptation of a Mental Health Pathology Screening Scale in Portuguese Adolescents. Gaz Med [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];10(4):272-81. Available from: http://gazetamedica.gazetamedica.pt/index.php/gazeta/article/view/678

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